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Foreign Countries You Can Drive to From India!

Ever dreamed of taking a road trip to another country? There are several countries that you can drive to from India, each with its own unique culture and attractions.
Nepal, our closest neighbour, is a soulful road trip destination and home to the Himalayas, including Mount Everest. It is renowned for its Buddhist culture in this serene land.
Nepal    |   Distance: 1,162 Km
Image credit : www.tripoto.com
You can also drive to Bhutan, a breathtaking destination with serene landscapes, and Buddhist monasteries. Its unique Gross National Happiness (GNH) philosophy is also the point of attraction.
Bhutan   |   Distance: 1,976.7 km
Image credit : www.tripoto.com
Discover Bangladesh, less travelled but captivating. During your drive, you’ll witness the Sundarbans and a glimpse of Bengali culture in every corner.
Bangladesh  |   Distance:1,467.6 km
Image credit : www.tripoto.com
Next is Myanmar - rich in history and culture. It is known for ancient temples, Buddhist monasteries, and Southeast Asia's natural beauty.
Myanmar  |   Distance: 2,972.5 Km
Image credit : www.tripoto.com
Sri Lanka, the pearl of the Indian Ocean, offers stunning coastlines, tea plantations, and ancient ruins that’ll elevate your road trip experience.
Sri Lanka  |   Distance: 2,457.3 km
Image credit : www.tripoto.com
Thailand, a tourist haven, welcomes you with beaches, temples, and a vibrant nightlife.
Thailand  |   Distance: 4,161.9 km
Image credit : www.tripoto.com
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