
Used Car 101: Things To Know Before Buying A Used Car

Planning to buy a used car? Here’s what you need to know when considering one

By car&bike Team


4 mins read


Published on May 16, 2023

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    Buying a used car can be an excellent way to save money compared to buying a brand-new car. With a little bit of research and due diligence, you can find a great deal on a used car in India. As a part of the new series Used Car 101, the following article will cover the key steps to follow when buying a used car in India.


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    1.  Determine Your Budget

    The first thing you need to do is determine how much you can afford to spend on a used car. Keep in mind that there will be additional costs such as registration, insurance and maintenance. It’s also a good idea to factor in a buffer for unexpected repairs or upgrades. Once you have a budget in mind, stick to it and don’t be swayed by a car that is out of your price range.


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    2.  Research Car Models

    Next, research the car models on reliable portals such as carandbike.com which allows you to filter cars’ based on cost, body styles, number of owners and brands. Look for models which you feel have a good reputation for reliability and low maintenance costs.


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    3.  Inspect The Car

    When you find a used car that you are interested in, it’s essential to inspect it thoroughly. Check the exterior and interior for any damage or signs of wear and tear. Test drive the car and listen for any unusual sounds. It’s also a good idea to have a mechanic inspect the car to check for any underlying issues especially when buying from an unknown person. Through our carandbike.com portal, you can gain access to a list of vehicles that have been thoroughly checked and certified for your peace of mind. Secondly, you can also fill in the details of a used car that you have found otherwise to receive a car&bike quality score and a price bracket range depending on the condition of the vehicle.


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    4.  Check The Car’s History

    Before making a purchase, it’s essential to check the car’s history to make sure it hasn’t been in any accidents or has any outstanding loans or fines. You can do this by getting a vehicle history report from the Regional Transport Office or a reputable online service.


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    5.  Negotiate The Price

    Once you are satisfied with the car’s condition and history, it’s time to negotiate the price. Most organised brands like car&bike and others have pre-negotiated extremely competitive pricing. However, if you are satisfied with the quality and performance of the vehicle, don’t feel shy to ask for a discount. At car&bike we have many discounts and rewards running at the stores every month. In case of a direct purchase with a current owner of the vehicle or individual dealer, don’t be shy to haggle, and try to get a price as close to your budget as possible. Be aware of costs such as taxes or transfer fees and make sure to factor those into your negotiations.


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    6.  Complete The Paperwork

    Once you have agreed on a price, it’s time to complete the paperwork. Make sure you have all the necessary documents, including the car’s original registration certificate (RC Card), valid insurance policy copy (pdf is also fine), and signed transfer of ownership documents with the current date to absolve you of any previous wrongdoings if any with the car. In case you are not purchasing from a reliable source, it may be a good idea to have a legal expert review the paperwork to ensure everything is in order. At car&bike, we strive to ensure a smooth vehicle transfer process for our customers, hence we take care of all the required paperwork and provide a free RC transfer to our customers.


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    7.  Car Warranty

    When purchasing a used car, it is important to check if the vehicle is still under warranty, and if so then, the duration it is covered. It is a good practice to check with authorised dealerships of respective brands if the vehicle is eligible for any kind of bonus or extended warranty program. At car&bike, we provide India’s most comprehensive two-year warranty on our used cars that are on sale. While the first year is all comprehensive from the time of purchase, the second year is applicable for the engine and transmission.


    We hope this article helps you to pick the best deal and vehicle that fulfils your requirements. For more content like this, keep watching this space for more articles under the ‘Used Car 101’ series. 


    Last Updated on May 16, 2023

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