
Over 200 European Cities to Ban Vehicles For a Day

The latest such measure will be undertaken by over 200 European cities that will ban all motorized traffic in select parts of the city for one day this autumn.

By Kritika Sethi


1 mins read


Published on July 22, 2015

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    Europe is known for how particular it is about the environment and the green measures that are in force across several European cities. One such example can be that of Paris - authorities had enforced a day-long partial driving ban in March this year as it struggled to deal with smog. The latest such measure will be undertaken by over 200 European cities that will ban all motorized traffic in select parts of the city for one day this autumn.

    Out of all the participating cities, the biggest is Stockholm, Sweden - the city will go without the use of cars across certain roads and sections on September 19.

    As much as this may surprise us folks across other continents, the Swedes won't be. Stockholm is amongst the cleanest cities in Europe, and its buses ply round the clock - albeit mostly on sustainable energy.

    Daniel Hellden, Head of Stockholm's traffic division, told an English news network in Europe - The Local, "By closing the streets to cars for one day we can give an idea of how our beautiful city looks with less car traffic. We hope that the citizens of Stockholm will be inspired to choose alternative modes of transport instead of the car."

    Other than Stockholm, Lisbon, Portugal, and Budapest are amongst the 200+ European cities that will ban cars from certain areas for a day.


    Last Updated on July 22, 2015

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