
Coronavirus: Uber To Install Safety Screens In 20,000 Cars

The safety screen or cockpit is protective ceiling-to-floor transparent plastic screen installed between the passenger and the driver.

By Shams Raza Naqvi


1 mins read


Published on July 23, 2020

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  • UberMedic cars for Covid warriors are the first to get a safety cockpit
  • Protective equipment is being provided to active driver-partners
  • Gobally, Uber has purchased safety supplies worth $50 million

Ride hailing cab aggregator Uber has said that it has begun the process of installing safety screens or safety ‘cockpits' in 20,000 premier sedans to ensure the safety of driver-partners as well as passengers. The cost of installation is being borne by Uber, and comes free of cost to the driver partners. The company has also added that these safety cockpits are being scaled up across other product categories cabs. 8,000 such cockpits have already been installed in cabs till now.

A safety cockpit enables social distancing even within the confines of a car

Despite cities reopening and people starting to move again many are still wary of using cabs for commute owing to hygiene, cleanliness and safety issues. Uber is hoping these measures will help the company regain the consumer confidence and pull them towards the company again. The safety cockpit is protective ceiling-to-floor transparent plastic screen installed between the passenger and the driver. This enables social distancing even within the confines of a car. Additionally, it acts as a safeguard to prevent droplet and aerosol transmission.

Also read: Uber Cuts 600 Jobs In India As Lockdown Hits Business


Globally, the company claims to have purchased safety supplies worth $50 million for its drivers.

Uber had first introduced safety cockpits in India by installing them in UberMedic cars to  transport front-line healthcare workers. The company says it is sourcing and distributing cleaning supplies and protective equipment to all its active driver partners. These include masks, hand sanitisers, and medical grade vehicle disinfectants. Globally, the company claims to have purchased safety supplies worth $50 million. For driver partners in India 3 million face masks, 1.2 million shower caps, 200,000 bottles of disinfectants and 200,000 bottles of sanitisers have been sourced.


Last Updated on July 23, 2020

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