
Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid Sets Fuel Economy Record on the Nurburgring

Lap records at the Nurburgring keep tumbling as the year goes by and car manufacturers seem to be always up in arms to flaunt exactly what their cars are capable of around this green hell. Toyota is no stranger to this track, especially the Toyota Racing Development wing.

By Ameya Naik


1 mins read


Published on July 16, 2014

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    Lap records at the Nurburgring keep tumbling as the year goes by and car manufacturers seem to be always up in arms to flaunt exactly what their cars are capable of around this green hell. Toyota is no stranger to this track, especially the Toyota Racing Development wing. In 2011, we saw the Lexus LFA do a stunning lap at the Nurburgring, and in 2012 the Toyota EV P002 did a brilliant lap around the track. However, this time it's not about how fast the car went because, let's be realistic here, they've taken a Prius Plug-in hybrid to the track.

    The record is not for the fastest lap, but to prove that the Prius Plug-in hybrid is the most fuel-efficient car to lap the Nurburgring.

    The record was set by Joe Clifford, who completed the 20.7 Km long course in 20 minutes and 59 seconds. Though you may let out a chuckle when you hear/read those figures, but the Toyota Prius soldiered on and ran mostly on electricity, so it effectively averaged 297Km/l.

    The company goes on to add that the record was set during a public session, so the car had to deal with traffic and all circuit rules, including the minimum average speed of 60Km/h. Clifford said, "Although the 20.7 Km distance is similar to a typical commuter trip, the difference here is a rise and fall in elevation of around 1,000 feet. In fact it was only on one long climb that the petrol engine cut in, and then only for a short while."

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    Last Updated on July 16, 2014

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